SMART mobile flood pro­tec­tion for SMART Cities
Quick and easy to set up  — safe in operation!

The AquaWand installed and assembled with detailed view
The AquaWand installed and assem­bled with detailed view

Pic­ture: The AquaWand, stored invis­i­bly in stand­by mode on site. The only thing to be seen is a line drainage. In fact, all com­po­nents are con­cealed under the tra­vers­a­ble cover.

Time-lapse film, quick assembly of the AquaWand140, quick assembly of the AquaWand200

In the 36-sec­ond film, you can see the rapid assem­bly of the AquaWand type140 in fast motion the rapid assem­bly and the rapid assem­bly of the AquaWand type200.

1. The AquaWand

We devel­op, man­u­fac­ture and dis­trib­ute mobile flood pro­tec­tion sys­tems for pro­fes­sion­al use.

The AquaWand is a closed sys­tem, always in stand­by mode. Every­thing is secure­ly con­nect­ed, noth­ing can be lost or stolen. There are no screws, the con­struc­tion is sim­ple, all com­po­nents are pulled out of the chan­nel, inter­locked and bolted. 

With the AquaWand, fast, tar­get­ed action can be imple­ment­ed by any­one with min­i­mal effort (a trained team = 1 m² AquaWall / 1 man-minute). Expe­ri­enced emer­gency per­son­nel are relieved, valu­able time and man­pow­er are free for fur­ther cru­cial tasks, such as man­ag­ing crit­i­cal infrastructure.

The CO2 emis­sions of the AquaWand are low­er than those of the clas­sic alu­mini­um dam beams in pro­duc­tion as with assem­bly and dis­man­tling (no stor­age, no logis­tics) decreas­ing by a fac­tor of 10.

2. Installation examples / application scenarios of mobile flood protection systems

The AquaWand built on the coast, view from the land side
The AquaWand built on the coast, view from the land side
The AquaWand built on the coast, view from the water side
The AquaWand built on the coast, view from the water side

2.1 The AquaWand on shore (Baltic Sea in Denmark)

Icon mobile flood protection on the coast

Flood oper­a­tion: mobile flood pro­tec­tion on shore

The AquaWand built up and installed between two houses
The AquaWand built up and installed between two houses

2.2 The AquaWand between two build­ings (Hildesheim, Germany)

Icon mobile flood protection between houses

Flood oper­a­tion: mobile flood pro­tec­tion between two buildings

The AquaWand made of Corten steel installed in a listed house
The AquaWand made of Corten steel installed in a list­ed house
The AquaWand built on a listed building
The AquaWand built on a list­ed building
The AquaWand made of Corten steel installed in a listed house
The AquaWand made of Corten steel installed in a list­ed house

2.3 The AquaWand of a land­marke build­ing (Bavaria)

Icon mobile flood protection around a building

Flood pro­tec­tion: mobile flood pro­tec­tion around a house

The AquaWand installed in a driveway with illustration of a wall cap
The AquaWand installed in a dri­ve­way with illus­tra­tion of a wall cap

2.4 The AquaWand as flood pro­tec­tion in dri­ve­ways (Zurich, Switzerland)

Icon mobile flood protection in a driveway

Flood pro­tec­tion: mobile flood pro­tec­tion in driveways

The AquaWand200 built on a river
The AquaWand200 built on a river
The AquaWand semi-erected on a river
The AquaWand semi-erect­ed on a river
The AquaWand200 installed on a river
The AquaWand200 installed on a river

2.5 The AquaWand as line pro­tec­tion next to run­ning waters (Sax­ony)

Icon mobile flood protection on a river

Mobile flood pro­tec­tion as line pro­tec­tion next to run­ning waters

The AquaWand built up in a shell
The AquaWand built up in a shell
The AquaWand built in a pipe construction View from the water side
The AquaWand built in a pipe con­struc­tion View from the water side

2.6 The AquaWand as build­ing pro­tec­tion already dur­ing shell construction

Icon mobile flood protection in a large opening

Flood pro­tec­tion: mobile flood pro­tec­tion installed in the building

two pictures of the assembled and installed AquaWand200
two pic­tures of the assem­bled and installed AquaWand200

Images: The AquaWand200, length 4 m, height 1.8 m

two pictures of the assembled and installed AquaWand140
two pic­tures of the assem­bled and installed AquaWand140

Images: The AquaWand140, length 1.9m, height 1.2m

two pictures of the AquaWand140 built up view from the land and water side
two pic­tures of the AquaWand140 built up view from the land and water side
three pictures of the AquaWand140 installed with pictures of the wall connection
three pic­tures of the AquaWand140 installed with pic­tures of the wall connection

Images: The AquaWand140, length 15 m, height 1.2m

2.7 Line pro­tec­tion on the EMS riv­er with dif­fer­ent AquaWand types and pro­tec­tion heights (NRW)

Icon various mobile flood protection walls

Mobile flood pro­tec­tion: Var­i­ous AquaWän­den (mobile flood pro­tec­tion sys­tems) on a flow­ing watercourse

Schneller umschließender Schutz für ein Krankenhaus

2.8 Image: Rapid mobile enclos­ing flood pro­tec­tion around a hos­pi­tal in 2 x 70 metre lengths and a dri­ve­way to be closed.

Icon mobile flood protection around a building
Icon mobile flood pro­tec­tion around a building

Flood pro­tec­tion: mobile flood pro­tec­tion around a hospital

Die AquaWand als Speicherbecken installiert in einem Parkplatz

2.9 The AquaWand installed as a stor­age pool in a car park. In this way, an area can be used multifunctionally.

Icon Speicherbecken

Flood pro­tec­tion / stor­age basin: mobile flood pro­tec­tion in a car park

Instal­la­tion exam­ples / appli­ca­tion sce­nar­ios of the AquaWand:

The appli­ca­tion is very ver­sa­tile to imple­ment in an urban space.

Since no sup­ply routes are required for logis­tics, hard-to-reach areas are also pos­si­ble for the use of the AquaWand.

It is also pos­si­ble to switch between AQUABURG’s mobile flood sys­tems “AquaWand” and the “new low-priced AquaVerschluss”!

3. The surfaces of the AquaWand, functional and visually appealing

three pictures of the AquaWand with the Corten steel surface
three pic­tures of the AquaWand with the Corten steel surface
two pictures of the AquaWand with hot-dip galvanised surfaces
two pic­tures of the AquaWand with hot-dip gal­vanised surfaces
Die installierte AquaWand in einer anderen Farbe passen zur Umgebung
The installed AquaWand in a dif­fer­ent colour to match the surroundings

The AquaWand offers struc­tural­ly attrac­tive solu­tions in urban spaces as well as for his­tor­i­cal sites, as it is always on site, but only vis­i­ble dur­ing floods.

Per­ma­nent­ly installed but only tem­porar­i­ly required flood pro­tec­tion sys­tems place high visu­al demands on their place of demands on their instal­la­tion site, as they con­tribute to the over­all impres­sion. Nor­mal­ly only the cov­ers of the AquaWand made of hot-dip gal­va­nized steel, stain­less steel or Corten steel are visible.

4. Overview of the different AquaWand types

AquaWand-Typen von 60 cm bis 400 cm

The AquaWand — in the floor                         — in the wall

The pro­tec­tive heights of the AquaWand can be select­ed from 60 cm to 400 cm.

The dif­fer­ent AquaWand types can be installed in a trench, in a wall or dike.

The sta­t­ics of the indi­vid­ual AquaWand can be adapt­ed to the local con­di­tions, extend­ed secu­ri­ty require­ments and cus­tomer requests.

5. The most important strengths of the mobile flood protection system at a glance

3 D Illustration of the assembled AquaWand200
3 D Illus­tra­tion of the assem­bled AquaWand200


  • Stor­age on site
  • Fast self-suf­fi­cient assembly
  • Assem­bly with­out qual­i­fied  per­son­nel with handy tools


  • No stor­age costs
  • No logis­tics costs
  • Very low per­son­nel costs


  • Very robust
  • Under­wash­ing protection
  • Large impact protection
  • High sys­tem stability

Con­clu­sion: fast, safe mobile flood pro­tec­tion with very low oper­at­ing costs and organ­i­sa­tion­al costs for the flood deploy­ment of tomorrow’s mobile flood pro­tec­tion systems.

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6. Flood protection wall — tested and certified

The AquaWand is one of the best stud­ied mobile flood pro­tec­tion sys­tems on the market.

Preparation of a flotsam test on the AquaWand in the TUHH test facility
Prepa­ra­tion of a flot­sam test on the AquaWand in the TUHH test facility 
Flotsam impact on the AquaWand in the TUHH test facility
Flot­sam impact on the AquaWand in the TUHH test facility
Flotsam hitting the AquaWand in the experimental hall of RWTH Aachen University
Flot­sam hit­ting the AquaWand in the exper­i­men­tal hall of RWTH Aachen University
Das aufgebaute FF4m-System mit 2 Meter angestautem Wasser
The assem­bled FF4m sys­tem with 2 metres of accu­mu­lat­ed water
Treibgutanprall an das FF4m-System auf 3,5 Meter Stauhöhe
Flot­sam impact to the FF4m sys­tem at 3.5 metres stowage height

Images: Tests of the dif­fer­ent flood pro­tec­tion walls at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty Ham­burg-Har­burg (TUHH) — test at the RWTH Aachen and tests at the AquaWand with a 4‑metre damming height in a spe­cial­ly con­vert­ed test facility.

7. Films var­i­ous tests

Film of the installation and dismantling of the wall rail in the test hall at RWTH Aachen University

7.1 The 34-sec­ond film shows the quick instal­la­tion of the wall rail in the wall brack­et. This makes it pos­si­ble to quick­ly pro­tect the mobile flood pro­tec­tion even when the water is already coming.

Film of flotsam impact +flooding on the AquaWand in the Verschuchshalle at RWTH Aachen University

7.2 In the 20-sec­ond film, a flot­sam impact with addi­tion­al flood­ing can be seen. The tar­pau­lin-net con­struc­tion of the AquaWand absorbs the large impacts very well.

Film of a flotsam impact in pictures and videos in the TUHH’s test facility

7.3 The 35-sec­ond film shows the test set­up and a strong flot­sam impact in a sequence of images like videos. The film clear­ly shows that the forces of the flot­sam impact are well absorbed.

Film about the various extreme tests in the TUHH test facility

7.4 Extreme weath­er often places extreme demands on a pro­tec­tion sys­tem!
The 60-sec­ond film shows var­i­ous extreme tests:

  • Struc­ture in snow and ice,
  • Net dam­age dur­ing floods,
  • post dam­age dur­ing floods,
  • Emer­gency repair of the tar­pau­lin dur­ing floods

8. NEW: The economical AquaVerschluss

SMART mobile flood pro­tec­tion for SMART Cities
Inex­pen­sive to buy, easy to set up — safe to use!

NEW: The eco­nom­i­cal AquaVerschluss

The Aqua­Ver­schluss = clo­sure  sim­ply screwed into ground sleeves or quick­ly stuck into a floor rail

The eco­nom­i­cal Aqua­Ver­schluss is sim­ply brought to the place of use and assem­bled easily.

two pictures of the assembled AquaVerschluss and the wall and ground sleeves
two pic­tures of the assem­bled Aqua­Ver­schluss and the wall and ground sleeves

x2 Only the wall and floor sleeves of the mobile flood pro­tec­tion can be seen.

Aqua­Ver­schluss advantages:

  • sim­ple
  • hard­ly any logis­tics (fits on Euro pallets)
  • cheap

The CO2 emis­sions oft the Aqua­Ver­schluss are many times low­er than those of the pro­duc­tion of clas­sic alu­mini­um dam beams.

9. Installation examples / application scenarios

two pictures of the AquaVerschluss View from the water and land side
two pic­tures of the Aqua­Ver­schluss View from the water and land side
two pictures of the AquaVerschluss dismantled and stored in the warehouse
two pic­tures of the Aqua­Ver­schluss dis­man­tled and stored in the warehouse

The NEW Aqua­Ver­schluss = Clo­sure as flood pro­tec­tion in an under­ground car park (Aus­tria).

The Aqua­Ver­schluss is tak­en from stor­age X1 (stowed small) and screwed into the Wall and floor sleeves X2 (only the sleeves are visible).

Icon mobile flood protection in a large opening

Flood deploy­ment: mobile flood pro­tec­tion at large openings

10. Overview of the different AquaVerschluss heights

Picture of the different AquaVerschluss types and heights
Pic­ture of the dif­fer­ent Aqua­Ver­schluss types and heights

Pro­tec­tion-Height from 60 cm to 200 cm.

10.1 Ware­house and logis­tics AquaVerschluss

Picture of the AquaVerschluss packed on a pallet
Pic­ture of the Aqua­Ver­schluss packed on a pallet

The Aqua­Ver­schluss can be stowed and stored small (see pic­ture above) = low­er mobile flood pro­tec­tion costs.

The posts stand on a Euro pal­let and are con­nect­ed with lash­ing straps.

11. AquaVerschluss — tested and certified

Test setup of the AquaVerschluss in the TUHH test facility
Test set­up of the Aqua­Ver­schluss in the TUHH test facility
Flooding of the AquaVerschluss in the TUHH fumigation plant
Flood­ing of the Aqua­Ver­schluss in the TUHH fumi­ga­tion plant

Pic­ture: Aqua­Ver­schluss in the test basin of the TUHH.

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12. Films AquaVerschluss

Film leakage test on the AquaVerschluss in the TUHH test basin

12.1 The 27-sec­ond film shows the leak­age test (with clear water) at the TUHH. The leaks are very small, with water only escap­ing from the low­er left and right cor­ners of the Aqua­Ver­schluss. Due to the tar­pau­lin, there are no oth­er seals and no leaks on the entire surface.

12.2 In the 24 sec­ond film, flood­ing is shown. Even after unhook­ing the top rope at the top left of the wall con­nec­tion, the con­struc­tion is very sta­ble and there is no dam­age to the net or the tarpaulin.

AquaBurg Icon

==> here more with flood acces­sories and extras

13. 1:1 Model of the AquaWand / AquaVerschluss

Picture of the 1:1 model of the AquaWand and the AquaVerschluss
Pic­ture of the 1:1 mod­el of the AquaWand and the AquaVerschluss

In order to be able to bet­ter assess the AquaWand / Aqua­Ver­schluss, we offer you the pos­si­bil­i­ty to check its qual­i­ty and strengths. For this pur­pose, we have a 1:1 mod­el with which we can demon­strate all the essen­tial prop­er­ties of the AquaWand and AquaVerschluss.

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